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Past Operas
Of Mice and Men (C. Floyd) |
Date: Sat 26-Nov-2011.
Company: Opera Australia.
Classification: grand
La Traviata (Verdi) |
Date: Wed 16-Nov-2011.
Company: Opera Australia.
Classification: grand
Dido and Aeneas (Purcell) |
Date: Wed 26-Oct-2011.
Company: Yarra Theatre Company.
Classification: Chamber
The Magic Flute (Mozart) |
Date: Tue 11-Oct-2011.
Company: Impempe Yomlingo (South Africa).
Classification: Mini Opera
Pecan Summer (Deborah Cheetham) |
Date: Wed 28-Sep-2011.
Company: Short Black Opera Company.
Classification: regular
Cox and Box |
Date: Thu 18-Aug-2011.
Company: Savoy Opera Company.
Classification: regular
Turandot (Puccini) |
Date: Sun 07-Aug-2011.
Company: Monash University.
Classification: Mini Opera
Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld |
Date: Thu 28-Jul-2011.
Company: The Opera Studio Melbourne.
Classification: Chamber
Monteverdi Bach: Baroque Triple Bill |
Date: Thu 28-Jul-2011.
Company: Victorian Opera.
Classification: regular
Albert Herring (Benjamin Britten) |
Date: Tue 19-Jul-2011.
Company: Victorian Opera.
Classification: regular
Gounod`s Faust |
Date: Sat 18-Jun-2011.
Company: Melbourne Opera.
Classification: regular
La Verbena de la Paloma & Bohemios |
Date: Fri 03-Jun-2011.
Company: Lyric Opera.
Classification: Chamber
Dwelling Structure |
Date: Thu 26-May-2011.
Company: Chamber made Opera.
Classification: Chamber
The Mikado (Gilbert and Sullivan) |
Date: Tue 17-May-2011.
Company: Opera Australia.
Classification: regular
A. John / T. Daly: "How to kill your Husband" - Victorian Opera |
Date: Mon 16-May-2011.
Company: Victorian Opera.
Classification: regular
Trial by Jury - The Sorcerer |
Date: Sat 14-May-2011.
Company: Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Victoria.
Classification: regular
The Pearl-fishers (Georges Bizet) |
Date: Wed 04-May-2011.
Company: Australian Opera.
Classification: Grand
Trial by Jury and H.M.S. Pinafore |
Date: Sat 30-Apr-2011.
Company: Savoy Opera Co. Inc.
Classification: regular
Macbeth (Verdi) |
Date: Wed 20-Apr-2011.
Company: Opera Australia.
Classification: Grand
La Bohème (Puccini) |
Date: Tue 12-Apr-2011.
Company: Opera Australia.
Classification: grand
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